A chimney cap is the first line of defense. Chimney caps are one of the most important components of a fireplace system because of the way they protect the rest of the chimney and flue. Without a working chimney cap, animals, debris, and moisture can all freely enter the flue. Furthermore, chimney caps help prevent sparks and embers from flying out onto the roof and causing accidental fires. A proper chimney cap is one that shelters and protects the entire masonry crown footprint and all terminations, with a screen to keep out pests and debris.
Chimneys in central Florida gets hit so hard with rain and tropical storms, the chimneys become saturated. This causes chimneys to crack at the crowns, around the flue tiles, the mortar begins to fall out of the chimney onto the roof. We also find bricks themselves going through decomposition. These cracked areas are open water ways and cause all kind of leaks and water damage into the home. We have seen it all, rotten roof, falling ceilings, leaking fireplace face, rusted dampers, rotting floors, and MOLD!
We have found customers suffering from mold allergies for years not knowing it was coming from their chimney! This is called Masonry saturation Decay. With no chimney cap or the wrong cap, this decay is accelerated in our climate. If a chimney has never had a proper cap, it is likely you will need some repairs.
All of this decay is preventable. Think of a proper chimney cap as a crucial piece of flashing, we all know how important flashings can be. The proper chimney cap is a very important water diverting flashing for the chimney and everything below it.
We provide you with the right cap and install it. We also provide custom fabricated chaise to replace an old rusted one or when one is missing altogether.